07 June 2010

Happy Birthday to Dad

I wish you were here with me, so I could tell you to have another great year, so that I could share some of that year with you. It's the funny thing about time markers, they are cause for celebration but equally about rememberance. I usually LOVE birthdays.. they are a holiday in Ali's world. For every person in my life. But, this is just wierd. How do I transform this day to feel positive and not hollow? Well, this year, the day is passing by. Maybe I'll figure it out next year. But, for today, I just want to say, Happy Birthday dad, where ever you are. I love you very much and miss you.

Love and Hugs, Peach


  1. Ali, this is a beautiful tribute to your Dad. I know he is with you everyday, watching you and loving you.

  2. Thanks Bean. It makes me tear up when I look at it. That lower picture is one of the only ones I have of my dad and I actually holding hands or showing affection in any way. Speaks to his nature, I guess. Although it makes me sad. I'm going to frame this one, at some point.
